Tuesday, August 10, 2010

5 Years

5 years ago today, I married the man of my dreams.  He is my sweetheart.  The past 5 years have been the best...and full of lots of Love and Laughter.

Happy Anniversary Babe
I woke up to the most beautiful bouqet of roses and the sweetest card.
 (he still makes my heart skip beats)
and a shout out to our thoughtful nieces for making us this:
So here's to 5 years of pure happiness...and an eternity more.


Jani Jean said...

happy anniversary! congrats on 5 years! and that candy gram is so cute -- i'm gonna steal some of those ideas =)

Debbie said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I love the candy gram, she did a great job! Tell Jared good job on the flowers! Can't believe it's been 5 years since you brought Jared into our family. If I haven't thanked you then Thank you, you did good!!!! Life just wouldnt be the same without him in our family! And the joy continues with Lily and baby to come! We love you guys, hope you had a wonderful day sweetheart, love ya

Renee said...

Happy Anniversary! We share an anniversary :)