Thursday, November 3, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Kayson turned 1 today!  

It sure tugged my heart strings thinking about how FAST this past year has flown by.

Kayson is such a BUSY B O Y and we LOVE it.

I've said it from the day he was born, He has my heart.  
I don't know of many people on this earth whom I would wake up multiple times in the night (STILL)  for and be excited to start my day with at 6:30AM.  Must be the way he snuggles his cute little face into my shoulder and pats my back the second I pick him up out of his crib.

Daddy is crazy about him too.  Must be the way Kayson greets him each day when he gets home from work...a BIG smile, a wobbly strut, his little pointer finger pointing as he says "da-da" and a much anticipated "wrestling" match.

Lily is head over heels for her brother as well.  Must be the way he splashes her in the bathtub, is a 24/7 playmate and "monster" to chase her when needed.  He thinks the world of his sister.  I love watching Kayson's face as he watches Lily play...His eyes light up and he gets the biggest smile on that cute face of his.

Yeah, so we are all pretty crazy about the little boy who has blessed our family for one year's time.  

Happy Birthday Happy Boy!

He woke up to some decorations, presents and balloons!
Can you guess which he liked most?
 Lily was so excited for Kayson to fall asleep last night so we could decorate and "SURPRISE" Kayson for his Birthday when he woke up.  She was so sweet about it.  If you know Lily, you know she LOVES Birthdays :)  First thing I saw when I woke up this morning was Lily running down the hall out of  Kayson's room.  She ran in and told me Kayson was awake and asked me if she could go tell Kayson Happy Birthday.  Such a sweetheart.

Our Happy Boy

 Not sure what to do with the presents...good thing big sister was right there to "help"

Presents: Elefun Ball Popper, a Pirate Ship, Cars 2, a sweat suit, some big boy sippy cups (bye bye bottle!), a Pirate plate, silverware and bowl.

He liked us singing Happy Birthday to him...
 ...But he LOVED his cake!
LOVED his cake
 The Party crew
 getting crazy...
 ....crazy messy!!!
 So proud of my big chocolate mess :)

Happy Birthday baby-Kay ♥ ♥  You will ALWAYS be my sweet baby Kay.

**Confession:  My eyes just might be sweating as I think of my sweet boy turning one.  Time, please SLOW DOWN. **


Harrison and Christine said...

You have the cutest kids! I can't believe your little guy is already one!

Kendra said...

Happy Birthday Kayson!

Peas and Pods Photography said...

LOVE it! Super fun pix especially covered in cake. Happy birthday little man

agriculture said...
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